Utah Yoga Teacher Training
May 11 – August 21, 2023
Thursdays | 8am – 6pm
In-person in Salt Lake City and online from your favorite location.
Not quite ready to make your payment today?
Pre-registration will hold your spot for 30-days while you work out the details.
Ready to begin your transformation?
The learning begins the moment you register. We can’t wait to meet you!
“This is hands down the best training program I have ever attended. I already had close to 100 hours of yoga training prior to attending, but I feel like I have learned and gained more value from my time with Yoga Assets than I ever experienced before.” ~ Lindsie Curtis
Not sure if this is the right program for you? We will gladly answer any questions that you have.
What type or style of yoga is the curriculum centered on?
The primary teaching style is a blend of Vinyasa, Power Flow and Restorative Therapeutics. We like to focus on safety, alignment, and teaching yoga that is accessible. This course will look deeply into the principles of Human Anatomy and Physiology and Sports Psychology concepts. The result is fun, friendly yoga that you can teach to everyone, everywhere.
You have coined the term “Teach Yoga Everywhere” for your yoga training programs. What does that mean to you and how does it apply to your students?
We firmly believe that every single person can benefit from the practice of yoga. From Senior Adults to those who are incarcerated. From kids to circus performers. There is something on the mat for every single person, and that something is different for each of us. We have created a program that extends yoga beyond the walls of the traditional studio to where the people are. The language is inclusive. The physical practice (asana) is accessible to all levels. The message is self-acceptance and self- awareness. All are welcome here. Let’s get more people on their mats and we will see a brighter, better world.
What is the role of Yoga Alliance in the yoga community and why do you believe it’s an important affiliation for Yoga Teacher Training programs?
Yoga Alliance is currently the Gold Standard in the yoga industry, and the only organization that is setting standards for yoga teacher training programs. Without an alliance, or agreed upon standards, anyone can put up a $20 online yoga teacher certification course and the consumer would not know the difference. Adherence to Yoga Alliance standards assures the consumer, and the employer that the teacher has met the minimum requirements to teach a safe and effective yoga class. If someone is resistant to holding themselves to a set of industry standards, it would be wise to ask them why.
What do you say to people who fear that Yoga will be at odds with their religious beliefs?
Yoga is not a religion. The word yoga means “to unite, or to join”. The physical practice of yoga or “asana” has a multitude of benefits including flexibility, strength, stress management, balance, focus, improved breathing, pain management and body awareness. Yoga offers something for everyone, and our program encourages students to take what they need and leave the rest. We believe that everyone comes to their yoga mat for a different reason, and each person should be allowed to practice for the reasons and in the ways that best support them.
How is this Yoga Teacher Training program different from what is being offered in yoga studios?
The yoga program takes advantage of the numerous resources, instructors, professors and facilities available throughout the community. For example, our students enjoy studying anatomy in the human anatomy lab and learning breath/pranayama practices with a respiratory therapist.
What if I don’t intend to be a teacher, can I still participate?
The late American author and poet Maya Angelou once said “We are all teachers whether we know it or not”. We love the intention of this phrase and use it often to demonstrate the many different reasons for enrolling in a yoga teacher training program.
First and foremost, it’s about developing your personal yoga practice. It’s about going beyond the studio experience and developing a personal philosophy as to “what yoga is” for you.
By exploring the foundations and philosophies of yoga universally, you will become open to the possibilities of how yoga can serve you in living your best life.
When you’re living a life of intention, peace, gratitude and personal power, people can’t help but to notice. You become a positive influence on those around you. You become a teaching presence in the lives of others by your very actions…by the life you live.
Intentional or not – you are a teacher.
What is Pre-Registration? When will I be expected to pay my tuition?
The pre-registration process is basically an advance waiting list. It reserves a spot in class and allows us to communicate with one another as we prepare for the final enrollment. The final enrollment process usually begins about 30-days prior to the first class. Payment is due when submit your final enrollment form.
Do you offer payment plans?
Yes we do. Contact us directly and we will work out a payment plan that best meets your needs.