“The coming to consciousness is not a discovery of some new thing; it is a long and painful return to that which has always been.” ~Helen Luke
From the moment I first became a Mama, I have felt it. I call it the ‘invisible umbilical cord’. It’s my knowing. It doesn’t matter where my boys are, whether they are in the same house or in another country. I feel it. A gentle pull in their direction. It is an undeniable connection and I’m pretty sure they don’t think about it consciously, but I know that my boys feel it too. They know they are connected to a source of unconditional love, always.
It also goes without saying that no matter how they ACT, no matter what masks they wear, nothing will change my love for them. Nothing will sever that cord.
I believe that we all have an invisible umbilical cord…a connection to Source. The place we call Grace that gives us true inner peace. Call it what you want…theologians call it the soul, Jung calls it the Seat of the Unconscious, Hindu masters call it the Atman, many give it the name God.
Names aside, this is our True Self. This is the real Me, that lies beneath the masks I wear. I go through life as a woman, a teacher, a Mom, a wife, a friend, a college graduate. I drive a certain car, I wear clothes like this, I like this kind of music. But none of that is the real ME. The me that is felt by the ultimate invisible umbilical cord…
For today, imagine taking off some of the layers. Imagine peeling back the coverings that hide the real self, and peering into the space where love lives. What is here? What is the essence of who you really are, and what would it take to live AS that, just for one day?