Today, find a few minutes to stand in front of a mirror, and SEE YOU. Most people find it very difficult to look themselves in the eye. Notice if that is true for you. As you take in the image in the mirror, take a few deep breaths, and see if you can hear the familiar pattern of self-talk. It’s pretty automatic. The running commentary on the lines, the wrinkles, the bags, the blemishes, the curves, the bones.
Once you have become aware to that pattern (let’s just call it the lies!), create a new dialog. You can think the words, but for extra Mojo, say them aloud.
Take another deep breath, and exhale. Place both hands over your chest.
I am beautiful.
I have a beauty that comes from who I am.
I am breathing.
I am alive.
My heart is beating.
My blood is pumping.
My limbs are strong.
My eyes shine with a desire to make the world a better place.
My hands are ready do good work in the world today.
My feet will walk gently on Mother Earth with gratitude for her support.
The people I meet today will know of my love for all humanity.
Everything I see before me right now is perfect.
It is just what I need to be me, to be here…right now.
Namaste my Beautiful Friend.