You might teach yoga in one form or another, but do you view yourself as a Leader?
This single distinction of how you view yourself and your role in the yoga community can make a huge difference on the impact that you have upon others. Whether that’s in the role of a yoga teacher, a yoga business owner, or someone committed to sharing yogic principles within their community.
Some people get hung-up on calling themselves a Leader. The title seems too high-falutin’ for a simple 200-hour YTT graduate. It seems a little presumptuous and puts you in a position of being called out by someone more experienced and knowledgeable than you.
Consider that Leadership and the act of Leading requires only that you have a following. Specifically, that others are willing to follow you.
Some people are handed the title of Leader, such as the CEO of a company. They are a leader by rank. They have the power to coerce others into doing what needs to be done.
But that’s not the type of leadership we’re talking about when we ask the question, “Are you a Yoga Leader”?
Great leaders make us feel like we belong; they make us feel special and safe. They draw us to a common purpose – bigger than ourselves. They help us become better equipped to pursue the things we desire. People around them form special bonds based on shared values.
What’s the secret to this type of leadership?
It’s simple. They are really good at communicating WHY they do, what they do. They empower people around them by leading with a clear sense of purpose.
At the Yoga Assets Expand & Explore retreat in Kauai, we dipped our toes into the waters of defining our individual WHY’s using the framework of the Golden Circle developed by Simon Sinek, author of the best selling book, Start With Why.
We explored why we do, what we do. Why we get out of bed in the morning and why anyone should care. We experienced just how arduous the process of putting our feelings into definitive words can be and how powerful those words are, once found.
I’m living into a new role in 2019 and would like your help.
I’ve made the commitment to become a teacher.
I will be bringing my skill set as a marketer and entrepreneur to the Yoga Assets community. I will be teaching Yoga Leaders how to inspire others to buy from them, work with them and join their cause.
This will be a different kind of marketing. It’s marketing that you’ll be proud of!
I believe the work you are doing as a Yoga Leader is meaningful and improves the lives of those you serve. I want to help you be more impactful and reach more people.
Helping you succeed in helping others, fulfills me. It becomes work that I’m proud of!
Will you join us as we continue the work we began in Kauai?
I’ll be leading a free on-line workshop and forum based on the framework of Start With Why exclusively for Yoga Assets Alumni beginning in January 2019.
Together we will bring clarity to our WHY and make tangible that which is abstract. We will use the power of WHY to guide us to act with purpose, on purpose. We will craft a story of our WHY that will be irresistible to the people that we want to serve.
This project will begin on Friday, January 4th and will end on Sunday, February 3rd. Plan to spend a minimum of 45-60 minutes per week on this journey.
Registration will close on Thursday, January 3rd.